






( 21st MARCH - 20th APRIL )

Aries Traits

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( 21st APRIL - 21st MAY )

Taurus knows there are no easy options. 'Sooner started; soonest finished', is her motto. She can be relied upon to put 100 percent effort into all that she does, and it's a very rare Bull who will abandon a project half way through. She has great staying power, seeing a job through to the end, no matter how arduous. Taurus is eminently practical, in thought as well as in deed. Her thinking is 'Down to Earth', and she calls a spade a spade. There is no nonsense about Taurus; she says what she means and means what she says. The cheap and shoddy hold no attraction for Taurus, who has an outstandingly strong sense of values. She believes in value for money, and she's prepared to pay for the best. And if she can't afford the best, she'll go without until she can. Material security is important to her. Taurus cultivates people who are as straightforward, decent and honest as she is, and no friend could be stauncher or more loyal than the Bull. When she commits herself to a friendship, it's for life, through thick and thin. Although it may seem there are few frills about Taurus, she is extremely sensuous. Taurus has an enhanced sense of beauty and fine appreciation of what is pleasing to the senses. Taurus adores luxury and all that is good and comfortable about life. Her artistic tastes are highly developed, and she may be musically talented. Taurus has unwarranted reputation for obstinacy and is often interpreted as 'stubbornness' and is regarded as a character flaw by those who do not share the Bull's capacity for endurance.

Taurus Traits

Patient and reliable, Warm-hearted and loving, Persistent and determined, Placid and security loving, Jealous and possessive, Resentful and inflexible, Self-indulgent and greedy.

Gemstone : Emerald

Colour : Pink



( 22nd MAY - 21st JUNE )

Gemini is the most versatile member of the Zodiac. He lacks staying power, and his threshold for power is very low. He is constantly on the look out for new experiences and stimulations and he'll try anything once. He's the original 'Jack of all master of none'. He is highly intelligent, but rarely profound. To the Geminian only the salient points matter. Despite this he displays amazing insight forcing others to suspect that they may have underestimated him all along. Gemini is the most quick-witted of the Zodiac. Perceptive and bright he'll rarely give his full attention to anyone or anything. This does not imply lack of interest but it's simply that he's capable of thinking of several things at the same time. Physically, Gemini retains his youthful good looks well into old age. His restless life style ensures his metabolism is high and accounts for his slim, athletic build. He talks faster, moves more quickly and uses his hand more than anyone else. He is the communicator of the Zodiac and is never happier than when gathering information and his thirst for knowledge is almost unquenchable. Gemini is associated with the making of connections, with linking people together within relationships. His own relationships are likely to be made most easily with people with whom he has an intellectual rapport. His relationships are light, friendly and on the surface. In love he likes to remain uncommitted and he's likely to be a tremendous flirt. Gemini is enthusiastic, optimistic and full of crackly energy. He exudes charm, and can be devastatingly witty. He's friendly and aptly, since he's represented by The Twins - twice as much fun.

Gemini Traits

Adaptable and versatile, Communicative and witty, Intellectual and eloquent, Youthful and lively, Nervy and tense, Superficial and inconsistent, Cunning and inquisitive.

Gemstone : Agate

Colour : Yellow



( 22nd JUNE - 22nd JULY )

Cancer implies drive, initiative and impetus. Water is a powerful body and when allied with impetus it becomes the most dangerous medium there can be. Cancer should not, therefore, be underestimated. Her 'shyness' is not timidity, but a cloak for her feelings; a protection against emotional exposure. She is prompted by her soft heart and excessive sensitivity, for Cancer is the most empathetic Sign of them all. Underneath her protective shell is a kind and caring nature and yet at the very heart of Cancer there is a hard rock determination and a generous measure of self interest. This determination, fuelled by her forceful cardinality won't let her take a back seat in life. And Cancer's 'self-interest' also means the interest of the 'family', her loved ones. She is driven by the need to nurture and to protect those dear to her, and will defend them as thoroughly as she protects herself fighting to death if need be. Highly imaginative. Cancer is often surprisingly creative and artistic. She may be gifted with the art of making money, and even happier facility of hanging on to it. She carries around with her all her life, old memories, old friends, old hurts and wounds, old friends and old lovers. In love she may mask her feelings fearing rejection, afraid to trust. Cancer's emotionally vulnerable. But once Cancer feels secure in a relationship, her love is deep and generous and intensely loyal. She loves to be cherished and comforted; and she loves to cherish and comfort in return. Nobody cuddles like a 'Cancer'.

Cancer Traits

Emotional and loving, Intuitive and imaginative, Shrewd and cautious, Protective and sympathetic, Changeable and moody, Over-emotional and touchy, Clinging and unable to let go.

Gemstone : Pearl

Colour : Silver Grey



( 23rd JULY - 23rd AUGUST )

Leo's ruler, the Sun, overpowers all other lights, the magnitude of his personality blazes out as he stands, centre stage on whatever platform he chooses to occupy in Life. There is nothing modest about Leo; he's a very efficient self-publicity machine. He likes to be appreciated for his efforts, and he derives pleasure from his magnanimity. His capacity for enjoyment is unaffected by his trials and tribulations of everyday living, and his zest for life seems to be unequalled by any other sign. He's an extremely proud creature, affectionate, charismatic and creative. But pride is also his downfall. Leo finds it impossible to admit that he is in the wrong and can be very obstinate. His 'Achilles heel' is vanity. His craving to stand permanently under the spotlight, and has a constant need for admiration. If he's a show off it is because he's been the centre of attention all his life; and if he is cocky and conceited, it is because he's multi-talented, and can actually back up his boastful claims. If he's bossy it's because he's the best person to wear the badge 'I'm the boss'. Leo is the best person to be in charge. With this plus charisma, charm and a touch of arrogance, the Lion can frequently - move mountains. But he needs an audience and generous helpings of praise. When it comes to romance, Leo's written the book. Leo is deeply sentimental, affectionate, warmly loving, but prone to jealousy.

Leo Traits

Generous and warm-hearted, Creative and enthusiastic, Broad-minded and expansive, Faithful and loving, Pompous and patronizing, Bossy and interfering, Dogmatic and intolerant.

Gemstone : Ruby

Colour : The colours of the sun from sunrise to sunset



( 24th AUGUST - 22nd SEPTEMBER )

Virgo is the precise, methodical in her thoughts as well as in her actions. Virgo is associated with service and duty, and she is very strongly imbued with the work ethic. She sees duty and obligation as inescapable, and seeks to discharge her duty in practical ways. She's the 'detail person', a perfectionist who's doomed by virtue of her exceedingly high standards to be perpetually disappointed. Very little in life comes up to the Virgo's standards. The disappointments extends to herself, for she's her own severest critic. And even though she knows perfection is rarely obtainable, this is of little comfort to her, for it doesn't make second best any more acceptable, as far as she is concerned. Her dissatisfaction can often turn inwards and sour into neurosis, making her 'cranky' and 'picky'. Work is an excellent channel for her nervous energies and enables her to validate her sense of 'self through service'. Virgo makes an ideal employee, for she finds it difficult to delegate and prefers to oversee each part of the operation herself. Her main fault lies in her obsession in analysing everything to death. Virgo is often misrepresented as emotionally or physically frigid. There is a lack of spontaneity so that Virgo approaches her intimate relationships as though they were not so much the matters of the heart as academic exercises. Quiet, contained and competent, Virgo is a sincere and dependable person who shows her care and concern in practical ways.

Virgo Traits

Modest and shy, Meticulous and reliable, Practical and diligent, Intelligent and analytical, Fussy and conservative, Over critical and a worrier, Perfectionist and harsh.

Gemstone : Sardonyx

Colour : Navy blue, green, dark brown



( 23rd SEPTEMBER - 23rd OCTOBER )

Contrary to popular opinion, Libra is rarely well balanced! In fact, he's quite the opposite. His mood and opinion will swing one way, then the opposite, until in time a balanced result is obtained. The process of finding a balance is long for he has to actively explore all the options, consider all the possibilities, before making a decision. His God is logic. He subjects everything in life to his reasoning processes, discounting feelings and mistrusting intuition relying only on rationale. No other conditions apply. But Libra is not a coldly calculating robot and his gentle and softening nature spurs him to relate and reconcile. Libra is the tactful diplomat of the Zodiac. He knows the value of compromise and achieves more through gentle persuasion than the more overt tactics of his fellows. He is skilled at weighing and assessing the pros and cons of a situation in order to reach a fair result, a judicious verdict. Libra signifies balance and equality and represents the drive to seek balance through the equalizing medium of the partner. Libra has a very strong need to form relationships, to give and to receive loving affection, and to 'relate' to another. Through a partner, Libra is in some way able to 'validate' himself, and better express his sense of 'self'. Libra cannot bear to be at odds with anyone. His need for constant approbation of others is paramount, and there is little he would not do to safeguard it. His desire is to secure peace and harmony at all costs, for he cannot bear discord, the ugliness of confrontation or the responsibility of causing pain, and he is perfectly prepared to compromise his ideals in this pursuit and he rarely fails to reach his goals.

Libra Traits

Diplomatic and urbane, Romantic and charming, Easy going and social, Idealistic and peacable, Indecisive and changeable, Gullible and easily influenced, Flirtatious and self-indulgent.

Gemstone : Sapphire and jade

Colour : Shades of Blue from pale to ultramine; pink and pale green



( 24th OCTOBER - 22nd NOVEMBER )

Scorpio Traits

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( 23rd NOVEMBER - 21st DECEMBER )

His restless spirit is hard to contain. He's characterized by the quality of growth and exaggeration, and it's this inflation tendency that drives Sagittarius to expand his horizons to the uttermost limits. Having set his sights, he then proceeds to explore his territory to the full. The journey may take him all his life. His territory may be physical, or it may be territory of the mind. It's usually the latter. Sagittarius is the seeker of wisdom. Not, it must be said, so that he can bask in a self-congratulatory glow at his own cleverness, but so that he can disseminate and promulgate that wisdom. So that he can teach. So that he can hand on the torch. For such a happy-go-lucky, optimistic, and easy going person, Sagittarius is surprisingly highly principled, ethical and idealistic. He has a strong sense of justice and truth. His insistence on speaking the truth can lead him into tactlessness, but there is never any deliberate intention to cause pain. He may be offended through carelessness, but never callousness. He is generous, affectionate and invariably good-humoured. In love, Sagittarius is just as casual. He's rarely romantic. Unpossessive, he prefers not to commit himself devotedly to one partner who might try to tie him down. He is a free spirit who must move through life answerable to no one. Sagittarius's interests are far-ranging, and he needs constant stimulus. He can change direction easily and enthusiastically. He can plan ahead with vision and insight. He has a great sense of humour and a warm, generous even extravagant nature. He knows how to enjoy himself, how to have fun and likes to give pleasure to his many friends. He's always ready for a new experience, a new adventure, and there's nothing he's afraid to tackle, and nowhere he's afraid to go.

Sagittarius Traits

Optimistic and freedom-loving, Jovial and good-humoured, Honest and straightforward, Intellectual and philosophical.

Gemstone : Topaz

Colour : Dark Blue, Purple



( 22nd DECEMBER - 20th JANUARY )

Ruled by Saturn, the Goat sees the world as a harsh and exacting arena. She expects to have to work hard to achieve what she wants, and wastes no time in hoping for easy options. Concealed behind her reserved exterior lies an icy-cold ambition, and she uses whatever means are at her disposal in order to reach her ultimate goal 'success in her chosen field'. Capricorn is frequently long-lived, remaining hale and hearty well into old age. 'Everything comes to he who waits' is Capricorn's motto. So she works slowly and steadily onwards - and upwards, for Capricorn is determined to reach the top however long it may take. Status and prestige are important to Capricorn. She seeks to improve herself and to earn respect for her achievements. But she's not looking to be a 'flash in the pan' success - she needs the security of firm foundations, concrete form, long-term growth, permanence. Much the same considerations apply in her personal life. She sees the commitment of marriage as a responsible step, not to be taken lightly. Her partner must be a fitting one, a true complement. She may even marry to improve her status. 'Falling in love' is not an easy, frivolous matter for Capricorn. But her cold nature inhibits her emotions and she can be painfully shy, unable to risk declaring her feelings, unable to expose her inner needs and her true feelings even to herself. Capricorns are extremely pessimistic. Capricorn is a trader, and uses her money. In fact, she uses everything that comes her way in life; everything and anything that will enable her to climb her way inch by inch, to the very top.

Capricorn Traits

Practical and prudent, Ambitious and disciplined, Patient and careful, Humorous and reserved, Pessimistic and fatalistic, Miserly and grudging, Over-conventional and rigid.

Gemstone : Turquoise, Amethyst

Colour : Black, Dark Grey, Dark Brown



( 21st JANUARY - 18th FEBRUARY )

The eleventh sign of the Zodiac, is concerned with humanity on a wide scale, with brotherhood, the masses. It is the Sign of the people. Aquarius in particular is concerned with the consciousness of 'the people'. Aquarius is a detached impartial Sign, with little emotional appreciation, Aquarius will support the 'underdog' because the 'underdog' is being treated unfairly, not because he identifies with the underdog's suffering and feels its pain. Aquarius always maintains a strictly impersonal and clinical point of view on life. 'Freedom' is important to him - freedom of thought, particularly. Aquarius finds it difficult - even impossible to channel his thoughts into a predetermined mould and has to blaze his own trail. His ideals and ethics may not be readily understood or appreciated, but will uphold them with great vigour and sincerity. Aquarius works well in the scientific field, and electronic media particular. Technology holds no fears for him, and his cool logical mind finds pleasure in dissecting the workings of his many gadgets and machines. Emotionally independent and as detached and impersonal as he is in everything else, is the answer. Aquarius likes nothing better than to be involved with a group of like-minded people, and one-to-one relationships may have to take a back seat. When he does 'settle down' he's inclined to view his partner as more of a very close friend than an object of blind, unreasoning passion. Aquarius is the person who, prints and distributes the leaflets he is the one who spreads the word, the one who broadcasts the message. Aquarius's reputation as a social and political reformer comes partly from his idealistic and liberal mind, and partly from his ability to make mankind aware of the power of the people.

Aquarius Traits

Friendly and humanitarian, Honest and loyal, Original and inventive, Independent and intellectual, Intractable and contrary, Perverse and unpredictable, Unemotional and detached.

Gemstone : Aquamarine

Colour : Turquoise



( 19th FEBRUARY - 20th MARCH )

Pisces is highly impressionable and ever-changing. Although it is simple to say that, in Pisces, we see the urge to reach beyond the known material world to unite with the infinite, it is not so simple to understand. However, in normal everyday terms the concept of 'universal love' manifests itself in Pisces a deep and profound compassion, universal sympathy. Pisces hears the silent screams and weeps for the world's suffering. Pisces is an extremely 'giving' person, to the point of self-sacrifice, even martyrdom. She will unconsciously and instinctively put you and your needs way before her own, and nothing is too much trouble for her. She is totally unselfish. Unfortunately, however, there is the possibility that her self-effacing humility can lead to a lack of self-respect or self-worth, and she may become a 'door-mat', utterly servile and debased. Pisces insists on seeing the good and the best in everything and everyone. Naturally, this is extended to those whom she loves. Pisces see the world through very rose-coloured spectacles indeed, and places her loved one on an extremely high pedestal. There is nothing she would not do for the beloved, who finds himself the object of her boundless love - adored, pampered, indulged, cherished, and all but worshipped. She is easily deluded and deceived by her ruling Planet into thinking she has found her ideal, and reality comes as a dreadful disappointment. All too often the beloved turns out to have feet of clay: to be simply 'human', with all the foibles to which frail flesh is heir. Pisces has a highly developed sense of perfection of fantasy. Her escapist tendencies are strong. And, although she can be tempted to escape into the muddy oblivion of drink or drugs, her stronger instincts are to swim into the clear waters of artistic creativity. Pisces may be a gifted actor, writer or musician. She can recreate her dream world.

Pisces Traits

Imaginative and sensitive, Kind and compassionate, Selfless and unworldly, Intuitive and sympathetic, Escapist and idealistic, Secretive and vague, Weak-willed and easily led.

Gemstone : Moonstone

Colour : Soft Sea-green




21st March to 20th April - ARIES21st April to 21st May - TAURUS22nd May to 21st June - GEMINI

22nd June to 22nd July - CANCER23rd July to 23rd August - LEO24th August to 22nd September - VIRGO

23rd September to 23rd October - LIBRA24th October to 22nd November - SCORPIO23rd November to 21st December - SAGITTARIUS

22nd December to 20th January - CAPRICORN21st January to 18th February - AQUARIUS19th February to 20th March - PISCES